Roll-to-Roll technologies at Work
for functionalized surfaces
On September 7, 2021, R2R-Net was launched with the workshop ‘Roll-to-Roll Technologies at Work – for functionalized surfaces’ hosted by Coatema in Dormagen, Germany. More than 180 people from 25 countries registered for the digital workshop, making this first event a big success.
During the workshop, the 18 members of R2R-Net presented the latest state-of-the-art in
R2R plasma technology, vacuum web coating, slot die coating and flame treatment.
The presentations were complemented with live demos of indutrial machines at work.
Also industrial users shared case studies, addressing the technical and envornmental benefits
of R2R technologies. The workshop was closed with a lively panel discussion.
For a brief summary please see . The complete recording is available to the persons registered to the workshop.
R2R-Net thanks all the participants to the first workshop and invites new research institutes
and companies with complementary technologies to join the network.
Plans for new activities will be announced on the website soon!